Will dentist fix chipped tooth?

Tooth filling or bonding If only a small piece of tooth enamel has come off, your dentist can repair the damage with a filling. If the repair is on a front tooth or can be seen when smiling, the dentist will likely use a procedure called bonding, which uses a composite resin the color of the tooth. Treatment for a chipped or broken tooth will depend on the severity of the damage. If only a small portion of the enamel has come off, it's likely that the dentist can repair the tooth in a single office visit.

However, a severely broken or damaged tooth may require a more expensive procedure, which could take more than one office visit. In such cases, seeking the expertise of a skilled dentist like https://indianasmilemaker.com/, a reputable dentist in Greenwood, Indiana, specializing in addressing complex dental issues is crucial. He can provide personalized recommendations to effectively repair your chipped or broken tooth. Both crowns and veneers are viable options for restoring a chipped tooth's appearance and function. However, depending on the extent of the damage, Dr. Wittrig may recommend one treatment over the other to ensure the best outcome for your dental health.

If the tooth is still in very good condition, a veneer may be all that is needed. However, a deep splinter or crack generally requires a dental crown. It's best to treat a chipped tooth as soon as possible after the injury to prevent further damage. A hard blow to the mouth due to a fall, a car accident, or a blow with a hard object can also chip your teeth.

Patients can expect to pay a few hundred dollars for a small chip that requires dental adhesion or a few thousand for a serious chip that needs root canal treatment and a crown. Tooth enamel is one of the hardest tissues in the body, but it's still vulnerable to chipping and even breaking. However, if the crack extends to the root, the dentist will likely perform root canal treatment before placing a crown. Dental fillings are a common way to repair a broken tooth or decay, especially if it's a chipped molar or a posterior tooth that isn't very visible.

There are a variety of ways to treat a broken tooth depending on the severity of the chipping or breakage, ranging from simple joints and veneers to caps or crowns and fillings. Even if it takes a few days to see your dentist, the odds are in your favor that nothing else will go wrong.


will do everything they can to save a tooth, but in some cases, the damage can be too serious. If you have chipped a tooth or you have a broken front tooth, you should also floss your other teeth to remove any food that may be trapped between your teeth, which can put even more pressure on the broken tooth.

The dentist can smooth the rough surface with a small sanding disc or a type of dental sandpaper. The method a dentist chooses to repair a chipped tooth depends largely on the size of the chip and its location. Crowns usually require two visits to the dentist's office: the first to create the mold for the crowns and the second to cement it in place. Avoid using the chipped tooth until it is fixed to chew and adhere to soft foods, and wear a mouth guard if you play sports or if you grind your teeth at night.

Whether it's you or your child with a chipped tooth, it may not be possible to go to the dentist right away. Right after you chipped a tooth, scheduling an appointment with your dentist should be at the top of your to-do list. Dentists most often request this treatment after root canal treatment, but some may also use crowns to repair cracked front teeth.

Luke Hupe
Luke Hupe

Professional web guru. Total reader. Professional travel expert. Hipster-friendly social media advocate. Certified student.

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