Why has dental work become so expensive?

Americans understand how expensive dental care has become, which partially explains why only 36 percent of all adults in the United States must visit a dentist this year and why, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, one in four non-elderly Americans has untreated tooth decay. Another reason many of us give up the necessary care is the lack of transparency in dental pricing. Research firm Empirica found last year that, after not being able to afford it, the most cited reason people don't visit the dentist was the fear of not knowing the costs. Since rising treatment costs can cause patients to delay treatment, many dentists are willing to accept discounted dental plans.

At the individual level, the data makes it clear that private dental offices need to do more to make routine care affordable for patients. Dental insurance & discount plans compared Find out the differences & learn how they affect you. For every adult without health insurance, an estimated three are without dental insurance, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. In recent years, the cost of dental care has increased at a faster rate than the cost of overall health care.

In the long run, biannual dental cleanings cost a lot, much less than tooth extractions, crowns, and root canals, which can cost thousands of dollars. Most dental offices are small, independent businesses run by dentists themselves, a model that hasn't changed in 50 years. Or, for a small annual fee, Gentle Dental Associates covers the whole family with a 35 percent discount on preventive services, such as exams, cleanings and x-rays, and a 25 percent discount on restorative services, such as fillings, crowns, root canals and implants. All the time I hear that dentistry is expensive, but I never really addressed this topic until a reader recently wanted to know what lies behind the high cost of providing high-quality dental care.

Even if you have dental insurance through your employer, you're likely to feel the effects of rising costs. However, nearly 60 percent of people who skipped routine dental care in the past 12 months said they couldn't afford it, according to a survey by the American Dental Association. But because he didn't have dental insurance to help cover the cost, he didn't bring it right away. However, if you have dental insurance, know that a higher percentage of treatment costs will go out of pocket rather than being covered by a third party.

She found that the routine dental care the girl needed had progressed to a serious problem that required major repairs.

Luke Hupe
Luke Hupe

Professional web guru. Total reader. Professional travel expert. Hipster-friendly social media advocate. Certified student.

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